International Journal of Anatomical Sciences 2012, 3(1): 17-18

Case Report

Anomalous Origin of Testicular Artery-A Case Report

Swayam Jothi Dorairaj S, Jacintha Antony, Rajeswara Rao N, Sree Lekha D.

Shri Sathya Sai Medical College and Research Institute, Ammapettai, Nellikuppam 603 108, Tamil Nadu, India

Key Words: anomalous testicular artery, abnormal origin of testicular artery

Case Report: In  one  male  cadaver  while doing the routine dissection the following anomalies were found. On the left side the testicular artery (Fig.1) was arising from the abdominal aorta above the left renal artery and was crossing obliquely in front of the left kidney. When traced further it was running behind left colic artery, descending colon and then continued its course downwards retropertoneally and then along the inner surface of the anterior abdominal wall to enter the ingunal canal through the deep  inguinal  ring  to  form  one  of  the contents  of  spermatic  cord.  The  left testicular  vein  drained  into  the  left  renal vein.

 Fig.   1   Origin   of   left   testicular  artery  from abdominal aorta.










On the right side the testicular artery

(Fig.2)  was  arising  from  the  right  renal artery and was having the usual course and the right testicular vein drained into inferior vena cava. According to Shinohara et al., (1990) the left testicular artery originated from the aorta 1cm above the origin of the left inferior phrenic artery. Lechter et al., (1999) dissected 100 cadavers (88 male, 12 female). They produced a beautiful and complete report on the anatomy of the gonadal veins for both series, finding a 20% rate of variance from the typical pattern


Fig. 2 Origin of right testicular artery from right renal artery


Knowledge about this abnormal course of the testicular arteries will be of use to surgeon to avoid injury during renal surgeries and while attending to any of the  emergency    operations    like    torsion    of testicular artery


Lechter A, Lopez G, Martinez C, Camacho J (1991) Anatomy of gonadal veins: A reappraisal. Surgery, 109: 735.

Shinohara H, Nakatani T, Fukuo Y, Moriswa S, Matsuda T (1990) Case with a high  positioned origin  of  the  testicular  artery.  Anat  Rec,  226:264-266.