International Journal of Anatomical Sciences 2013, 4(1): 27-28

Case Report

 High Origin of Radial Artery – A Case Report

Sai Sucheethra D, Sree Lekha D, Swayam Jothi Dorai Raj S, Rajeswara Rao N

Department of Anatomy, Guntur Medical College, Guntur – 522 004, Andra Pradesh, India

Key Words:radial artery, anomalous origin

Abstract:An unusually high origin of radial artery observed during routine dissections was reported here for its rarity.Superficial arteries of the arm are relatively common. McCormack (1953) found some types in 30.77% of 364 bodies in which both limbs were investigated. They were commonly unilateral, so the incidence among limbs was much less (18.53% of 750 limbs)