International Journal of Anatomical Sciences is the official journal of Association of Anatomists, Tamilnadu. Previously, the journal was named as “Anatomical Adjuncts” which was published by the association for the past 30 years in print. In the rapidly changing scenario of biomedical teaching and research, the jurisdiction of the subject “anatomy” has also been altered. This has been rightly expressed in the “Grays Text Book of Anatomy” as the words anatomy and dissection can no longer be considered as synonyms. While dissection remained as a technique to study anatomy, the scope of the word anatomy has extended. It may be pertinent to mention that now scientists are curious in “dissecting molecular pathways”. Thus, from the level of systemic anatomy (Gross Anatomy), anatomy started embracing more subjects as micro anatomy (histology) and molecular (level) anatomy (molecular biology).
In the light of these ideas, the journal “Anatomical Adjuncts” has been renamed as “IJAS” to imply a boarder scope. This journal is intended to have a wide scope to incorporate modern scientific advancements and at the same time to retain the time-tested valuable arenas such as morphological sciences.
IJAS is aimed to foster scientific research among young people in bio-medical fields. To achieve this without compromising quality, the journal’s editorial and reviewers are committed to provide constructive criticisms during manuscript processing. For more information about submitting articles, please refer the “Instructions to Authors” section.
Association of Anatomists, Tamilnadu